China selling, Russia selling, Saudi Arabia selling, and the U.S. economy is still doing well. Again, so who will buy all the new Treasury supply on the longer end?
“Every big move in financial markets… tends to climax in some absurdity, some valuation excess.” This one ended with negative interest rates to the tune of $15T of bonds. “So we had 40 years down. Before that, we had 35…
Fair growth policies encourage responsible financial practices and the proper balance of savings and investment. But beginning in 2015-2016 the real estate market was flooded with easy money, especially, through smaller banks. This also transferred to the venture capital world…
Only 10% of labor is unionized in the U.S. (7% of it is private sector.) But small and medium sized businesses are being pressured to raise wages as well, as they are having trouble finding skilled workers. Consumption demand is…
He says that, temporarily, cash is a good place to have your money, as one is adequately compensated. However, he doesn’t think these interest rates will be sustained at the current rate, as the global debt dynamics start shifting. Additionally,…
Mr. Bianco shows multiple graphs to support this thesis, but the first ones are deceptive. While showing a surge in the shorting of the Treasury market – which on the surface would indicate a general positioning for lower rates in…
Mr. Frank gives an example of a family office being offered two premier office properties in Manhattan that still aren’t priced low enough. Mr. Greene thinks the worst is yet to come for Class B and C properties as well…
Mr. Cooperman also says that the S&P 500 is trading at 19 or 20 times earnings – too high, i.e., the equity risk premium is too low. He also doesn’t see a recession on the near horizon, just eventually. As…
Competition is still fierce. The I-will-buy-your-house mailers still stream in. Some of the overleveraged are selling into the market, but there aren’t any screaming deals anymore, and if there are, they get bid to low returns with lots of improvement…
It may behoove the younger generations to speak with someone over 65 years old about their history and experience of interest rates. For everything, there is a season, and we may be headed away from constantly falling interest rates for…