Month: June 2024


So sellers are waiting to list their homes, because (as always) rate cuts are just around the corner. And buyers are waiting to buy, because (as always), rate cuts are imminent. 

By Pucklore | June 24, 2024 | Comments Off on So sellers are waiting to list their homes, because (as always) rate cuts are just around the corner. And buyers are waiting to buy, because (as always), rate cuts are imminent. 

But what about this scenario? The runaway national debt forces higher rates.  Will buyers retreat and sellers sell to make a market then? In my local markets, I’m seeing sellers already selling and buyers cherry picking the right properties.

Do higher rates really hurt Main Street more than Wall Street?  I’d argue we need to raise rates to loosen up the finish on profligate single-family home and multifamily “investors” who bought at ridiculous cap rates – like sub 4%. 

By Pucklore | June 18, 2024 | Comments Off on Do higher rates really hurt Main Street more than Wall Street?  I’d argue we need to raise rates to loosen up the finish on profligate single-family home and multifamily “investors” who bought at ridiculous cap rates – like sub 4%. 

Lower rates, by definition, raise asset prices.  Also, in lower rate environments, non-recourse type private equity firms and individuals with more unlimited capital means and relationships are able to acquire assets more easily than the normal home buyers.  And many…

With High Debt and Deficits, a Gangbusters Economy and Impending AI Job Displacement, the Fed should consider Hiking Rates another 25 bps

By Pucklore | June 12, 2024 | Comments Off on With High Debt and Deficits, a Gangbusters Economy and Impending AI Job Displacement, the Fed should consider Hiking Rates another 25 bps

In a couple years, the United States should experience a complex and rapidly changing economic landscape.  Looming on the horizon are potent threats that could converge to trigger an economic collapse by 2027: unsustainable budget deficits and widespread job losses…