Month: February 2024


Is Grandpa Warren implying that he thinks he may have to use his “Not-So-Secret Weapon” soon? 

By Pucklore | February 27, 2024 | Comments Off on Is Grandpa Warren implying that he thinks he may have to use his “Not-So-Secret Weapon” soon? 

He did reference casinos being run out of homes.  And it is true that human nature probably hasn’t changed much over the last 100+ years and panic could actually spread even more instantaneously with a Twittersphere turbocharger.  But he did…

I’m still seeing this: “What the heck did he just charge me? I need to raise my own rates again.”  Inflationary impulses still seem primed to me.

By Pucklore | February 17, 2024 | Comments Off on I’m still seeing this: “What the heck did he just charge me? I need to raise my own rates again.”  Inflationary impulses still seem primed to me.

Dr. Summers says housing is 30% of the core CPI calculation.  There may be some local housing bubble rents popping, but it seems the majority of housing owners and service providers are still raising rates…substantially.  Re-rents on mediocre three bedroom…

At a 5.5% discount rate, “People with the least education have seen some of the steepest growth in employment levels.”  And China is in deflation.  Correlation doesn’t always equal causation, but….

By Pucklore | February 8, 2024 | Comments Off on At a 5.5% discount rate, “People with the least education have seen some of the steepest growth in employment levels.”  And China is in deflation.  Correlation doesn’t always equal causation, but….

So China posted another month of negative consumer inflation at -.8%.  Foreign investors have been taking money out of China.  The construction job market is still relatively strong in the U.S.  Those that work in the physical world emblematic of…