Month: July 2023


Warren Buffett: “We don’t know where the shareholders of the big banks necessarily or the regional banks are heading.”

By Pucklore | July 10, 2023 | Comments Off on Warren Buffett: “We don’t know where the shareholders of the big banks necessarily or the regional banks are heading.”

It seems like Grandpa Warren and Grandpa Charlie are politely telling us they are mad at the banks. Caveat Emptor.

Bruce Richards: “After 15 months and 10 straight hikes… they’re done after today.”

By Pucklore | July 10, 2023 | Comments Off on Bruce Richards: “After 15 months and 10 straight hikes… they’re done after today.”

Mr. Richards believes that the Fed is done raising rates now but that they also won’t be lowering rates for a while. He believes that with student loan payments starting again later this year for over 1/5 of the work…

Jamie Dimon: “Everyone should be prepared for rates going higher from here…. The Fed doesn’t control the 5 and 10-year rate.”

By Pucklore | July 10, 2023 | Comments Off on Jamie Dimon: “Everyone should be prepared for rates going higher from here…. The Fed doesn’t control the 5 and 10-year rate.”

Mr. Dimon says that we are already seeing credit drying up with banks wanting to retain capital. The Fed doesn’t control the 5 and 10-year rate, so he thinks we should prepare for as high as 7% on the 10-year.…

Mike McGlone: “I think it is going to be worse than the financial crisis. I’m saying it’s very 1929-ish.”

By Pucklore | July 10, 2023 | Comments Off on Mike McGlone: “I think it is going to be worse than the financial crisis. I’m saying it’s very 1929-ish.”

Mr. McGlone believes that we will experience significant deflation. He explains that we are in a similar situation to the Great Depression in that we are having bank runs. The Great Financial Crisis, until now, is similar to the Forgotten…

Jim Cramer says, “People have to go back to live with their parents in order for this cycle to be broken.” 

By Pucklore | July 10, 2023 | Comments Off on Jim Cramer says, “People have to go back to live with their parents in order for this cycle to be broken.” 

Mr. Cramer’s housing statistics question where the housing breaking point is in order for the Fed to stop raising rates. If people are comfortable in their homes with 40% of home owners having no mortgage and 80% of the rest…
